Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Reluctant Blog....

After posting the first entry I was really satisfied with it ...then it went all downhill. I found it really difficult to get myself back on and post about dem random things. The last few weeks have been pretty interesting. Last year with my previous roommate (Cheeyoon Chun) decided we wanted a dynamic piece of art in our apartment but it couldn't be anything that was too messy, so we decided to make a table as the center piece (out coffee table) so what ended up happening was a box being built that was painted all white and with the abundance of colorful permanent markers, this masterpiece still continues to grow to this day. It has entertained guests and party goers for the last 5 months. Sometime this table surprise me, sitting around staring at the table, scanning for doodles people have left be hide, when I wasn't around. Well... have a look yourself. Come add to it if you haven't already.


Like the title of this blog... this sh*t is going to be random! People that go to Washington State University know that the weather over here is just crazy and erratic. The weather conditions are always either just really good or really bad. On January 31st we had one of the largest snow falls in a long time, enough to shut down the entire campus. WSU hasn't been shut down for 28 years. I'm not much of a writer so I'm going to stop here about the snow, let these two pictures finish the rest of this section. The photo below shows Anthony on the left, and Ben about to crown me with snow.


Here is just a once again "random" photo of Dylan posing with the -alien/girl made out of magnetic clips printed HP and Microsoft on them-


1 comment:

J-fo said...

yay an update =] That table looks awesome! some of the drawings are amazing!

wow first time in 28 years, arent you glad to be a part of that before you graduated? lol